Project Objective
To encourage and support wide community involvement in CVLLP activities and projects.
The Delegated Grant Scheme will be one key tool for the CVLLP Community Engagement and Community Grants Officers in their Objective of engaging and involving communities.
Although communities will be involved at every level of CVLLP, there is a requirement for a dedicated small project fund specifically for their use, in order to facilitate projects and activities that come from the community, and also to link their close interest to the greater CVLLP Programme.
Comprehensive description of the project
CVLLP partner Staffordshire Moorlands Community Volunteer Services (SMCVS) has undertaken a number of consultations over the development phase of the CVLLP project, their work has resulted in a delegated grants scheme and accompanying documentation will be delivered by the Participation Officers (CVLLP 9) with the assistance of other CVLLP partners.
What is the Churnet Valley Living Landscape Partnership (CVLLP) Community Grant Scheme?
The CVLLP community grant scheme is designed to help fund and implement appropriate projects within the CVLLP area. SMCVS is administering the scheme and can give assistance and/or advice to potential applicants to ensure the best possible outcome.
The community grant scheme is administered locally, and the grant panel is made up of CVLLP partners, community representatives and members of the local community, which results in funding decisions being made by people with a wide ranging knowledge of the local area and its needs.
Who can apply?
The scheme is open to voluntary and community groups, schools and social enterprises that are based in the CVLLP project area. Groups need to be able to provide match funding for their projects, as the scheme will only fund up to 50% of the total project costs.
What the Scheme will fund
Your project must address one or more of the CVLLP’s objectives. The objectives are:
- assisting people in protecting heritage items
- helping people learn about their heritage
- helping communities celebrate heritage and inform others
- encouraging young people to enter land management and learn rural skills
- involving young people in respecting and maintaining the landscape
- increasing peoples’ awareness and enjoyment of the area
What type of grants will the Scheme give?
The scheme will allocate grants for both capital costs e.g. equipment; and/or revenue costs e.g. room hire. When a grant is allocated it will be done so in one payment to the applicant stated on the application form; applicants will be expected to spend the grant for the purposes and in the timescale stated in the Grant Offer letter.
How large are the grants
The scheme will award grants up to a maximum of £5,000. There will be no limit on the number of applications an organisation can make; however each award will be based upon merit. The grant panel will meet quarterly to make decisions on complete applications. The dates by which applications need to be submitted by will be released in the local press, in the CVLLP newsletter and in other prominent places within the locality.
Successful applicants
Successful applicants will be sent a Grant Offer letter and a Conditions of Grant form. In order for the money to be released to the applicant they will need to sign and return the form to indicate that the conditions have been accepted. After the money has been spent, the applicant must complete and return a Monitoring Form; this ensures that the scheme complies with the grant conditions and informs how the money has helped contribute to the scheme’s objectives.
Outputs and outcomes
Measured outputs
100 community groups benefiting from delegated grants and development support from the Community Grants Officer: 50 through events and festivals and 50 through support purchases or capital projects.
Greater connection between local community groups and CVLLP.
Greater commitment and respect for the preservation of local heritage.
See CVLLP Delegated Grant – Conditions of Grant form (Appendix 2.13)
Risks and constraints
Operational risks
Risk: Key staff retention; technical skills and particularly relationships with community groups and other CVLLP workers need to be built up over time staff recruitment and retention is therefore important.
Contingency planning: The Participation project (CVLLP 9) runs over a quite a long timescale compared to many other projects, this should help retain committed staff.
Risk: Long term staff absence could affect the success of the project because it has ambitious targets for the project’s timescale.
Contingency planning: Contingency budget to pay for cover for staff if necessary.
Project risks
Risk: Insufficient take-up of grant offer.
Contingency planning: Unlikely, but we have dedicated a part-time Participation Officer to help supporting groups.
Invasive species
Awardees will be encouraged to include invasive species control within their project activity where practicable. They will also be encouraged to participate in the ‘ Churnet Valley Big Pull’
The grant awards panel will consider biosecurity when assessing projects and may add stipulations regarding biosecurity along with an offer.
Environmental Policy
Environmental issues will be considered by the awards panel.