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A towpath for Cheddleton

Over a hundred local volunteers worked on the towpath between Cheddleton railway station and the flint mill.

The towpath had always been important for local people but its condition was variable and it wasn’t always easy to use. The Canal and River Trust and volunteers from the Caldon and Uttoxeter Canals Trust repaired the path between Cheddleton railway and the Flint Mill, making it fully accessible.

This section of new path is very popular with local people, including dog walkers and people with wheelchairs and buggies. Having a better link with the village, and some new moorings (also part of the project) is also good for visiting boaters.

This project taught us never to be afraid of sticking your vision out there … it’s given us lots of ideas for the future

Hear more about

Hear Julie Arnold from the Caldon & Uttoxeter Canals Trust talk about towpaths

Hear more about how to see the new towpath